Go Green With forwardOn

February 4th, 2009

forwardOn logo
This is a fairly new web site that lets you share fun emails with your friends and family safely without cluttering your email box. You earn points by using the service and people seeing your post. Once you gather enough points, you can either donate your earnings to Go-Green charities or exchange your points for reward redemption.

forwardOn description

The process of sharing is very easy. You sign up for an account on forwardOn. When you want to send fun emails to your friends, instead of sending to them directly, you send it to share@forwardon.com. In less than a minute, a reply should come back with your fun email hosted on forwardOn. You can then forward this fun email to your friends. Here is what the reply from forwardOn looks like:


Please Note: – Follow email etiquettes when forwarding this email to your friends.    

Enter email addresses in bcc field and delete any unwanted text.




Get free rewards for sharing fun emails. Plus, auto prevent email viruses, scams, chain letters, clogged inboxes and wasted storage.

The best reward is the $10 Amazon gift card for 10,000 points. It’s actually not difficult at all to earn his $10 gift card. When you sign up, you earn 5,000 points automatically. All you need to do is to post something interesting to generate 5,000 views to earn another 5,000 points. Say you know 10 friends who you usually forward fun emails to and assume each of your friend also has 10 friends which they send emails to as well, a single post on forwardOn for your 10 friends already generate 100 views. Your friend can continue the forward to help you earn even more views. If you are aggressive, you can even post it on social sites like Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Facebook, MySpace..etc. If your post catches on, you will have potential to earn tens of thousands points. If it stay on front page long enough, you can generate hundred of thousands points easy.

Bacon Flavored Everything

February 2nd, 2009

Hmmm.. Bacon is good but is it necessary to put bacon (or back flavor) onto everything? I love bacon myself but this is just plain odd and rather disgusting for me. Check this out to see for yourself.

Bacon Flavored Jelly Beans

Bacon Flavored Mints

Bacon Flavored Dental Floss

Bacon Flavored Toothpicks in Tin

Juicy Jay’s Sizzling Bacon flavored rolling paper

Denny’s Free Grand Slam on Tuesday 2/3

February 1st, 2009

I just saw a Denny’s commercial on Super Bowl for a free Grand Slam breakfast on Tuesday 2/3 between 6am and 2pm. I bet the line to Denny’s will be insane and nearby traffics will be crazy as well on Tuesday. Their website is slammed right now.